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2023 China Xiliu Import and Export Fair and Xiliu International Fashion Week

Exhibition date 2023-09-27 to 2023-09-29 Status
Exhibition address Xiliu Yiwu International Garment City
Sponsor Department of Commerce of Liaoning Province People's Government of Anshan City


      Charming Xiliu, World of Clothes!

      Come to Xiliu, explore business opportunities, and create new industries!

Event Position: Enjoying fashion and linking to the future

Event Theme:  Gather brand strength · Broaden fashion vision

Event Scale: 

       • Famous Exhibitors 600+

       • Professional Buyers 10,000+

       • Countries and Regions 30+

       • Highlighted On-site Events 20+

       • Cooperative Media 20+

       • Estimated Views on All Streaming Platforms 10M+

Core Value and Objectives:

       • To improve the supply chain platform for better customization clothes abd services;

       • To construct dual cycle system of domestic and foreign trade for win-win between suppliers and buyers;

       • To grow in a sustainable development mode for being a fashion pioneer in leading new trend;

       • To react instantaneously toward customized, diversified, and the latest needs of the market;

       • To converge industrial stength for the demonstration of Xiliu clothes brand influence

       • To activate motivation of innovation for long-term growth clothes industry.


Location: Xiliu Yiwu International Clothing City, 1F and 2F

South Hall (1st Floor)

1. Fashion Clothing (Women's Clothing) Exhibition Booths: 70

2. Boutique Trousers Exhibition Booths: 39

3. International Cotton Clothing Exhibition Booth: 55

4. Fine Clothing Noodles (Supplementary) Materials Exhibition Booths: 80

5. Nantai Luggage Exhibition Booth: 20

South Hall (2nd Floor)

Exhibition of imported goods from countries along the “Belt and Road”: 200 booths (Liaoning Haicheng·Yiwu Market Miles Tour)

North Hall:

China Liaoning Excellent Local Products Exhibition (Liaoning Export Commodity Exhibition Center) Booth: 234 Negotiation Area

  • Xiliu brand clothing (men's and women's clothing)

  • Xiliu boutique trousers

  • Xiliu International Cotton Clothes

  • Xiliu clothing surface (auxiliary) material

  • Nantai Luggage

  • imported goods from countries along the “Belt and Road”

  • Liaoning Excellent Export Commodities

        With more than 40 years of accumulation, the Xiliu clothing market industrial cluster has become the most influential business cluster in the country. 

        In 2019, the cargo throughput reached 1.55 million tons, the market transaction volume reached 76.6 billion yuan, and the online transaction volume was 10 billion yuan. It has successively won the title of China's Famous Pants Industry Town, China's Famous Cotton Clothing Town, China's Clothing Brand Incubation base, and National Circulation Area Modern demonstration market and other titles.

        The development of Xiliu clothing market industrial cluster mainly relies on Xiliu’s unique location transportation, shopping mall logistics and supporting industry advantages.

        Taking the Shenyang-Dalian Expressway as the axis, it is mainly divided into two major sections: the western market cluster and the eastern market cluster, and supporting industrial parks. The market cluster covers a total area of 4.5 square kilometers, with a construction area of 1.9 million square meters. It has 8 individual markets, 22,800 stalls, 23,000 employees, a daily passenger flow of more than 50,000 people, and more than 700,000 jobs. 

     1. Western Market Cluster

       Xiliu Clothing Market was relocated and expanded in 1994 and has been in operation until now. It has twelve business areas and mainly deals in more than 20,000 commodities in 40 categories.

      Chunlei Mall covers an area of 20,000 square meters, with 4 business halls and more than 1,700 shops.

      Julun Mall covers an area of 10,000 square meters and has more than 200 shops.

      Chengxin Mall covers an area of 10,000 square meters, with a construction area of 30,000 square meters and 1,000 shops.

      2. Eastern Market Cluster

      Yiwu China Commodity City in Xiliu, Liaoning is mainly engaged in clothing, knitwear, baby products, daily necessities, imported goods, e-commerce live broadcast and other related industries. The second phase of the project will build a "cloud business town" in the form of a "street" that integrates "exhibition + live broadcast + express logistics + commercial supporting facilities".

      Xiliu E-commerce Industrial Park: There are more than 1,000 Taobao stores, forming a new normal of sustainable development.

     Xiliu Northern online Store: "Night Economy", "Nightlife"; holds electronic music festivals, etc.

      3. Supporting industrial parks

      China Xiliu International Logistics Park: a distribution center for modern commercial and trade logistics in northern China, and a national smart modern logistics distribution demonstration base. "Inland ports" for exporting local products and "overseas warehouses" for domestic sales of foreign goods.

       Xiliu Garment Processing Industrial Park: The most competitive supporting node on the "Belt and Road" in northern China!

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Purchaser Registration/Exhibition Application

Jacy Yang | 18588539231/1610271674@qq.com

Media Promotion

Irene Zhu | 18922256031/irenezhu@winbtb.com

Business cooperation

Mr. Shao | 13725215988/512149072@qq.com