Service advantage

Government resource advantage

1. Institutional support at the national level

China Marketing Association, China International Chamber of Commerce, China Federation of Commerce, Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, etc


2. Local government docking

3. Docking of international resources

Consulates / counsellors / business associations, international exhibitions / media cooperation, international industrial exchange visits and cooperation


4. Top level planning empowerment

Development planning guidelines

Marketing resource aggregation



Service system advantages

1. Product trade

Export: industrial cluster + government endorsement import: genuine + reserve price + culture


2. Cultural exchange

Cultural exchanges promote product trade


3. Government cooperation

Exchange and integration of domestic and foreign governments or industry organizations to promote the docking of trade and cultural exchanges


4. Investment promotion

The exhibition will promote the upgrading of relevant industries and promote the development of investment attraction and cultural tourism economy.


5. Upgrading

Through the improvement of the business system, drive the sustainable development of the industry and promote the development of local business economy.




Exhibition effect guarantee

1. International buyer invitation

Invite international professional buyers to participate in the procurement to promote the effective transaction of exhibitors


2. Invitation of domestic buyers

Invitation from Chinese supermarkets, market operators, online and offline traders


3. Docking of government resources

Domestic and foreign governments' resource drainage and preferential policies to quickly incubate industrial development


4. Conference forum empowerment

Industry latest information and marketing sharing


5. City brand promotion

"Domestic and international offline integrated promotion + exhibition effective transaction + investment landing" quickly improved the international brand awareness of the exhibition city



Transformation and upgrading empowerment

1. Industrial economic transformation and upgrading

Generate income for enterprises and local governments, and continuously improve the international competitiveness of enterprises


2. Enhance the city's international popularity       

Promote local economic development and cultural communication with industrial economy, and effectively build international brand awareness of the city


3. Drive the urban economy to take off

The development of industrial economy drives the comprehensive improvement of industrial chain and business environment, and promotes local cities to attract investment

Preliminary research

1. Industrial history and culture

2. Number of production enterprises

3. Upstream and downstream industrial chain


4. Commercial supporting system

Market / transportation / hotel / Catering / logistics / culture and tourism, etc


5. Government support policies

6. Peer industry differences

Comparison of similar industries at home and abroad




Government project

1. Documents issued by the organizer

National Chamber of Commerce / provincial and municipal governments


2. Support unit

Trade associations / leading enterprises / media and service providers


3. Confirmation of the undertaker

Be responsible for the implementation of various works of the exhibition according to the planning requirements of the exhibition




Planning scheme

1. Clear service system

Product trade / cultural exchange / government cooperation / investment promotion / marketing empowerment


2. Clear meeting activities

Exhibition area / supporting service planning conference forum planning procurement docking activities, undertaking various promotion meetings / press conferences, welcome dinners / exchange meetings, policy interpretation / marketing empowerment sharing


3. Brand promotion

Media planning and promotion Domestic and foreign governments / buyers / industrial chain service institutions invite investment




Project implementation

1. Determination of investment promotion scheme

2. Investment promotion activities

A. Offline expansion: exhibitions / business associations / markets / government authorities / Consulates, etc

B. Online expansion: promotion of social platforms at home and abroad / exchange of media resources of industry media business associations / data marketing / new media marketing

C. Public media: local newspapers / radio / television / outdoor advertising


3. Exhibition holding and execution

A. Before the exhibition: media publicity / trade matching / landing reception / booth and venue layout and construction, etc

B. During the exhibition: opening ceremony / conference forum / trade docking / media tracking report / industrial investigation / cultural tourism experience / investment promotion landing




Summary and promotion


1. Exhibition summary report

A. Statistical survey on number of exhibitors / industry / country / trading volume / satisfaction

B. Number of purchasers / industry / country statistical research

C. Statistical report and interview research of guests and leaders

D. Statistics of various indicators of media promotion drainage and fan attention

E. Summary report of exhibition transactions / exhibition economy driving / investment promotion landing


2. Future exhibition index setting
On the basis of the original exhibition, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, summarize and improve, and strive to improve various indicators