Good news! 240 booths, more than 160 enterprises! Yinglong international exhibitors organize the cen

Mobile browsing           Date:2019-01-24     Browse:837    
Core tips:2018 central Import Expo was grandly opened in Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center (mango Pavilion) on December 5 and December 9! 20000 + square meters exhibition area more than 300 domestic and foreign enterprises gathered 10000 + pro



2018 central import Expo will be held from December 5 to December 9

Grand opening of Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center (mango Pavilion)!

20000 + M2 exhibition area

More than 300 domestic and foreign enterprises gathered

10000 + professional buyers

100000 + consumption purchase

14 international exhibition areas and 6 category themes

4 wonderful live activities

Global one-stop procurement, all in Changsha!




based on the report of the 19th CPC National Congress, Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, Changsha Municipal Party committee and Changsha municipal government held the 2018 central (Changsha) import Expo, the largest and most complete import Expo in Central China, in order to further implement and promote the process of economic globalization and promote the construction of an open economy.

As the only import trade fair in the central region, the "China import Expo" will provide an excellent platform for Hunan, especially Changsha, to further "open up and rise", create an "open economy", give full play to the regional advantages of Hunan's "the Belt and Road", and build a new bridge for economic and trade exchanges and expand new cooperation between Hunan and overseas countries.



He Baoxiang, vice governor of Hunan Provincial People's government, Zhang Zhigang, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the 11th CPPCC National Committee and former president of China Chamber of Commerce, Hu Zhongxiong, deputy secretary of Changsha Municipal Party committee and mayor, and Secretary of the party working Committee of Hunan Xiangjiang new area, and other government officials were invited to attend the opening ceremony.




Yinglong exhibition has provided professional international exhibitor organization and procurement group invitation services for the 2018 central (Changsha) import Expo. The international exhibition team recruited more than 240 booths and more than 160 domestic and foreign import enterprises. Implement booth reservation for exhibitors, hotel reception, shuttle bus, exhibitors' report reception, exhibitors' exhibition arrangement coordination, etc. The international liaison team organized a procurement group of 100 + domestic buyers to participate in the procurement matchmaking meeting. The team's professional, efficient and pragmatic service spirit has won unanimous praise from the organizers and exhibitors.

Turkish coffee, Dubai desserts and Egyptian handmade furniture with a history of more than 2000 years are all the highlights of the exhibition! Xu Xiangping, director of Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, talked with Mr. Ali for more than 10 minutes at the Turkish booth and encouraged Mr. Ali, the boss of the company, to actively expand the Chinese market. After tasting Arab desserts, he bought them on the spot. The Egyptian handmade sofa with a long history was appreciated by director Xu.



 Yinglong international exhibitor Exhibition Service

In addition to the League of Arab States exhibition mentioned above

In this exhibition, Yinglong exhibition also brought 30 Japanese exhibition groups organized by enterprises

The scene is full of popularity, exhibitors' mother and baby products until "out of stock"




Conference Forum 

"The Belt and Road" round table conference on international cooperation 

2018 central (Changsha) import Trade Forum   


Chain supermarket procurement matchmaking meeting

Chinese and foreign skin care and cosmetics procurement matchmaking meeting, mother and baby product procurement matchmaking meeting


Yinglong exhibition organized a procurement group of 100 + domestic buyers to participate in the procurement matchmaking meeting


On site interaction 

Yinglong Exhibition

Japanese popular women's group Dela

China's first show!

Add bright colors to the building of China Japan friendship, peace and cultural exchanges

Wonderful interactive lottery