International environmental crisis management forum and Exhibition representatives visit Wynn Macau

Mobile browsing           Date:2020-09-02     Browse:25    
Core tips:Recently, the organizer of the international environmental crisis management forum and Exhibition (iecmf) visited Wynn Macau on behalf of Shi Jialun, President of the Guangdong Macao Federation of industry and commerce, Mr. Zhang Senhua, deputy secretary

Recently, the organizer of "international environmental crisis management forum and Exhibition (iecmf)" visited Wynn Macau on behalf of Shi Jialun, President of Guangdong Macao Federation of industry and commerce, Mr. Zhang Senhua, deputy secretary general and project director of Zongheng Culture Co., Ltd., as well as Lin Zhongxian, President of Macao exhibition and Trade Association, CEN huini, supervisor and Li John, vice president of Wynn Macau. Ms. Chen Zhiling, vice chairman and executive director of Wynn Macau Co., Ltd Ms. Zhang Shimin, executive director of community and government relations of Wynn Macau, and Mr. Ni MENGZHENG, executive director of research and strategic planning of Wynn Macau.

During the meeting, President Lin Zhongxian and supervisor Cen huini introduced the preparatory arrangements of iecmf in detail. Ms. Chen Zhiling agreed with the significance of iecmf and believed that the importance of cooperative governance of environmental crisis was more obvious under the epidemic situation. Wynn Macau was willing to serve as the activity support unit and participate in the Forum. Wynn Macau would organize on-site visits of the procurement department and support the construction of environmental crisis information center. The two sides also had in-depth exchanges on issues such as the appropriate diversification of Macao's economy and the development orientation of the exhibition industry.

President Shi Jialun said that China is a national model in the global fight against the epidemic. Macao is also a model city. The government, society and enterprises all have many valuable experiences that are worth summarizing, promoting and exchanging. The epidemic has an impact on various regional industries, and all walks of life are actively seeking change and turning for the better. Macao is planned to be one of the four central cities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district. Through the Convention and exhibition industry, Macao can cooperate with cities in Dawan district to seek common development and build an exchange and cooperation platform for global environmental crisis management. The iecmf covers medical devices, traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, environmental governance and other science and technology enterprises to participate in Macao, hoping to inject impetus into the development of Macao's traditional Chinese medicine industry and the resumption of work and production of the exhibition industry.

President Lin Zhongxian shared the concept of "big exhibition and big tourism", pointing out that exhibition should serve and guide the transformation and upgrading of urban industrial structure, have a pulling effect on different industries, gather experts and scholars in various fields to exchange, and focus on the positioning of industrial economic development, and the benefits can not be estimated. The linkage of iecmf with public environmental health related industries helps to explore the source of tourists, explore potential business opportunities, and make greater contributions to publicizing Macao's world tourism and leisure center and promoting the appropriate diversification of Macao's economy.

Ms. Chen Zhiling introduced Wynn Macau's experience in dealing with wind disasters and epidemic situations. She said that building a safe and healthy community is the common responsibility of all sectors of society. At present, it is an important time to deeply publicize the awareness of environmental protection and prevention. She pointed out that crisis management measures involve comprehensive information release and management response arrangements. This forum helps to strengthen cross-border exchanges, mutual learning and mutual learning among the industry.

With regard to the development of Macao's exhibition economy, Ms. Chen Zhiling specially shared her ideas on how to integrate all walks of life in the whole city. She believes that the exhibition economy is an important booster to promote the development of diversified industries. Macao's high-end tourism base can improve the exhibition effect, attract a large group of exhibitors, and bring many business opportunities and consumption power to Macao society. At the same time, Macao's top hotels and high-quality services can attract exhibitors' leaders to come to Macao for exchanges or private high-level meetings, which makes Macao's tourism occupy a more prominent position than other places. Therefore, we can take advantage of these advantages to attract more entrepreneurs to invest in Macao, bring a positive impact on Macao's economic development, and become an example and model for young people.